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[공무원] 2018.06.23 서울시 9급 영어 시험  - 어휘문제 97% 적중

등록일 2018.06.25 조회 3,049

2018.06.23 서울시 9급

 어휘문제 - 경선식 수능,공편토,최고난도에서 97% 적중(1단어 비적중)


1. Man has continued to be disobedient to authorities
who tried to muzzle(비적중) new thoughts and to the authority
of long-established opinions which declared a change
to be nonsense.
① express(수능)

② assert(수능)
③ suppress(수능)

④ spread(수능)


정답 : 3번


2. Don’t be pompous(최고난도). You don’t want your writing to
be too informal and colloquial, but you also don’t want
to sound like someone you’re not―like your professor
or boss, for instance, or the Rhodes scholar teaching
presumptuous (공편토)

② casual(수능)
③ formal (수능)

④ genuine(수능)


정답 : 1번


7. 글의 흐름상 빈칸에 들어갈 단어로 가장 옳은 것은?
Social learning theorists offer a different explanation
for the counter-aggression exhibited by children who
experience aggression in the home. An extensive
research on aggressive behavior and the coercive
family concludes that an aversive consequence may
also elicit an aggressive reaction and accelerate
ongoing coercive behavior. These victims of aggressive
acts eventually learn via modeling to --------- aggressive
interchanges. These events perpetuate the use of
aggressive acts and train children how to behave as
① stop

② attenuate(공편토)
③ abhor (공편토)

④ initiate (수능)


정답 : 4번


11. 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 가장 먼 것은?
As a prerequisite for fertilization, pollination is essential(수능)
to the production of fruit and seed crops and plays an
important part in programs designed to improve plants
by breeding.
① crucial (수능)

② indispensable(수능)
③ requisite (수능)

④ omnipresent (공편토)


정답 : 4번


12. 글의 흐름상 빈칸에 들어갈 단어로 가장 옳은 것은?
Mr. Johnson objected to the proposal because it was
founded on a ----- principle and also was -----
at times.
① faulty(수능) - desirable(수능)
② imperative(공편토) - reasonable(수능)
③ conforming(수능) - deplorable(수능)
④ wrong - inconvenient


정답 : 4번


16. 글의 흐름상 빈칸에 들어갈 단어로 가장 옳지 않은 것은?
Following his father’s imprisonment, Charles Dickens
was forced to leave school to work at a boot-blacking
factory alongside the River Thames. At the run-down,
rodent-ridden factory, Dickens earned six shillings a
week labeling pots of “blacking,” a substance used to
clean fireplaces. It was the best he could do to help
support his family. Looking back on the experience,
Dickens saw it as the moment he said goodbye to his
youthful innocence, stating that he wondered “how he
could be so easily cast away at such a young age.” He
felt ------ by the adults who were supposed to
take care of him.
① abandoned(수능)

② betrayed(수능)
③ buttressed(공편토)

④ disregarded(수능)


정답 : 3번


18. 글의 흐름상 빈칸에 들어갈 단어로 가장 옳은 것은?
Moths and butterflies both belong to the order
Lepidoptera, but there are numerous physical and
behavioral differences between the two insect types.
On the behavioral side, moths are ------- and
butterflies are diurnal (active during the day). While at
rest, butterflies usually fold their wings back, while
moths flatten their wings against their bodies or
spread them out in a “jet plane” position.
① nocturnal (공편토)

② rational (수능)
③ eternal (수능)

④ semi-circular(수능)


정답 : 1번


*총평: 작년부터 최고난도 책의 어휘들이 출제가 되고 있습니다. 이번 서울시 9급 공무원 영어시험 어휘문제에서 최고난도 어휘가 1단어 나왔습니다. 이제는 최고난도까지 준비를 하시기 바랍니다.