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[공무원] 2018.03.24 경찰 1차 시험- 어휘문제 100% 적중

등록일 2018.03.28 조회 2,751

2018.03.24 경찰공무원 제 1차 시험


어휘문제 - 경선식 수능,공편토,최고난도에서 100% 적중







The woman was convicted(수능) and sentenced to ten years in prison for the murder case.







정답: 3번

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The earthquake and the subsequent(공편토) aftershocks frightened citizens.



repellent (수능)




정답: 4번






4. 다음 , , 에 들어갈 단어로 가장 적절한 것은?


We’re all told at school that white reflects sunlight and black absorbs it, so the paler your clothes are, the ( ) you’ll be. But it’s not quite that simple. In many hot countries, locals often wear dark colors. Peasants in China and old ladies in southern Europe, for instance, traditionally wear black, and the Tuareg, the nomadic people of Sahara, favor indigo blue. These clothes are effective because there are two thermal ( ) happening at once. Heat is coming downwards from the sun but it is also going outwards from the body. Though light clothes are better at reflecting the sun’s heat, dark clothes are better at radiating the body’s heat. Given that no one born in a hot climate willingly stands in direct sunlight, the dark clothing has the ( ) because it keeps you cooler when you’re in the shade.


① ㉠ warmer programs edge (수능)

② ㉠ cooler processes advantage

③ ㉠ warmer products advance(수능)

④ ㉠ cooler progress defect(수능)


정답: 2번







5. 다음 , 에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?


· The game industry must ( ) to changing conditions in the marketplace.

· A tree provides homes for many creatures, all of ( ) also use it for food.


① ㉠ adopt (수능) which

② ㉠ adapt (수능) which

③ ㉠ adopt(수능) them

④ ㉠ adapt(수능) ㉡ them


정답: 2번








Newtown has developed a new subway system. It transports people quickly and cheaply from all parts of the city to the downtown center of the city. It stops at all major intersections, and it connects with buses and elevated trains. In this way, it makes the city convenient for tourists, because it is easy to travel to the city’s major attractive sights. With the subway system, Newtown is becoming one of the most ( ) cities in the country.







정답: 1번