2021.04.17 국가직 9급
어휘 문제 - 경선식 수능, 공편토에서 100% 적중
문 2. The influence of Jazz has been so pervasive(공)that most popular music owes its stylistic roots to jazz.
① deceptive (수)
② ubiquitous (공)
③ persuasive (수)
④ disastrous (수)
문 3. This novel is about the vexed(수)parents of an unruly teenager who quits school to start a business.
① callous (공)
② annoyed (수)
③ reputable (수)
④ confident (중)
문 17. Excellence is the absolute prerequisite in fine dining
because the prices charged are necessarily high. An operator
may do everything possible to make the restaurant efficient,
but the guests still expect careful, personal service: food
prepared to order by highly skilled chefs and delivered by
expert servers. Because this service is, quite literally,
manual labor, only marginal improvements in productivity
are possible. For example, a cook, server, or bartender can
move only so much faster before she or he reaches the
limits of human performance. Thus, only moderate savings
are possible through improved efficiency, which makes an
escalation of prices _______. (It is an axiom of economics
that as prices rise, consumers become more discriminating.)
Thus, the clientele of the fine-dining restaurant expects,
demands, and is willing to pay for excellence.
① ludicrous (공)
② inevitable (공)
③ preposterous (공)
④ inconceivable (수)