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[공무원] 2021.06.05 지방직 - 어휘 문제 100% 적중

등록일 2021.06.08 조회 4,704

2021.06.05 지방직 - 어휘 문제 100% 적중

어휘문제 - 경선식 수능(수), 공편토(공)에서 100% 적중

(적중률 조사 시 중학 수준의 기초 어휘는 적중률에서 제외됩니다.)

문 1. 밑줄 친 부분의 의미와 가장 가까운 것은?

For many compulsive buyers, the act of purchasing, rather than what they buy, is what leads to gratification(공).

① liveliness 

② confidence

③ tranquility (수)

④ satisfaction

※ [문 2. ~문 4.] 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

문 2. Globalization leads more countries to open their markets, allowing them to trade goods and services freely at a lower cost with greater ___________.

① extinction (공)(수)

② depression (수)

③ efficiency (수)

④ caution (수)

문 3. We’re familiar with the costs of burnout: Energy, motivation, productivity, engagement, and commitment can all take a hit, at work and at home. And many of the ___________ are fairly intuitive: Regularly unplug. Reduce unnecessary meetings. Exercise. Schedule small breaks during the day. Take vacations even if you think you can’t afford to be away from work, because you can’t afford not to be away now and then.

① fixes (수)

② damages

③ prizes 

④ complications (수)

문 5. 밑줄 친 부분의 의미와 가장 가까운 것은? 

In studying Chinese calligraphy, one must learn something of the origins of Chinese language and of how they were originally written. However, except for those brought up in the artistic traditions of the country, its aesthetic significance seems to be very difficult to apprehend(수). 

① encompass (공)

② intrude (수)

③ inspect  (수)

④ grasp (수)

문 17. 

As more and more leaders work remotely or with teams scattered around the nation or the globe, as well as with consultants and freelancers, you’ll have to give them more ___________. The more trust you bestow, the more others trust you. I am convinced that there is a direct correlation between job satisfaction and how empowered people are to fully execute their job without someone shadowing them every step of the way. Giving away responsibility to those you trust can not only make your organization run more smoothly but also free up more of your time so you can focus on larger issues. 

① work 

② rewards (수)

③ restrictions  (수)

④ autonomy (공)