(2차)무한수강 10만원 할인 5/16 - 5/31일까지(2차)무한수강 10만원 할인 5/16 - 5/31일까지

[공무원] 2023.06.10 지방직 9급 - 어휘 문제 100% 적중

등록일 2023.06.12 조회 1,438


2023.06.10 국가직 9급 - 어휘 문제 100% 적중 

어휘문제 - 경선식 수능(수) + 공편토(공) 에서 100% 적중

(적중률 조사 시 중학 수준의 기초 어휘는 적중률에서 제외됩니다.)




[1 ~ 4] 밑줄 친 부분의 의미와 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오.

1. Further explanations on our project will be given in subsequent (수능 Vol.2 p.225) presentations.


① required

② following

③ advanced

④ supplementary (수능 Vol.1 p.389)



2. Folkways are customs that members of a group are expected to follow to show courtesy(수능 Vol.2 p.174) to others. For example, saying “excuse me” when you sneeze is an American folkway.


① charity (수능 Vol.1 p.241)

② humility (공편토 p. 120)

③ boldness (수능 Vol.1 p.113)

④ politeness (수능 Vol.1 p.128)



3. These children have been brought up on a diet of healthy food.


① raised (수능 Vol.1 p.150)

② advised

③ observed (수능 Vol.1 p.46)

④ controlled



4. Slavery was not done away with until the nineteenth century in the U.S.


① abolished (수능 Vol.2 p.204)

② consented (수능 Vol.1 p.375)

③ criticized

④ justified (수능 Vol.2 p.399)


5. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?


Voters demanded that there should be greater _________ in the election process so that they could see and understand it clearly.


① deception (수능 Vol.1 p.53)

② flexibility (수능 Vol.1 p.281)

③ competition (수능 Vol.1 p.326)

④ transparency (수능 Vol.2 p.366)